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Therapy Services

As a practicing licensed clinical psychologist for more than 25 years, I have had the opportunity to work with individuals, couples and families who at some point find themselves struggling in one way or another. We live our lives, we bump along in ways that are familiar and then something happens … and somehow it just doesn’t work anymore.


We find ourselves in a conflicted marriage, we may be anxious and/or depressed or we can’t stop crying and our kids are out of control. We don’t know what to do. We find ourselves at a loss. Suddenly, we are at a point where we just can’t, or don’t want, to keep things as they are. The familiar way of doing things, or the familiar ways of coping are not working anymore. This can happen subsequent to a trauma but sometimes it just seems to happen for no apparent reason at all. We hit a wall.


Individual Therapy

For an individual, it may reveal itself as anxiety or depression, panic, physical aliments, or sadness and a feeling of emptiness, but they can’t figure out why because they seem to have it all.

Click to learn more about Dr. Frutchey's Individual Therapy.

Couples Therapy

For a couple, it may appear as communication problems in the marriage and constant arguing, or the experience may be that the feelings are gone, just not in love anymore, or nothing in common.

Click to learn more about Dr. Frutchey's Couples Therapy.

Family Therapy

For a family, it may be one child acting out or having problems in school, or conflict with siblings, or a child with low self esteem.

Click to learn more about Dr. Frutchey's Family Therapy.

I’ve had the honor of client’s trusting me with their vulnerabilities to reveal/and work with their inner most thoughts, emotions and hidden fears.

Schedule your first session. Contact Dr. Denise Frutchey at 727-723-1085.